Long Deep Love Messages for Her - Share Your Day Wishes


Long Deep Love Messages for Her

Long Deep Love Messages For Her

Looking for the best, Long Deep Love Messages for Her, photos & images, Quotes? Can be used on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Other.

Love Messages for Girlfriend

 My heart belongs to you and it doesn’t want anything but you. You are the reason for my smile and my happiness. I love you!


My world was so empty and dark that it all seemed so meaningless to me. But when I met you, suddenly it felt like the sky over me has lightened up by thousand stars. I love you!


I was dreaming of an angel to come in my life and shower it with unlimited love. Then I woke up and saw you. I realized reality is more beautiful than my dream was. I am lucky to have you!


Saying ‘I love you’ every day is not enough and it is such an understatement. You are my soulmate and I cannot live without you.


I fall in love with you every time I see you. You have that magic. Keep my heart safe in your magic box my prettiness.


I’m dedicating all the love songs in this world for you because you are worthy of all those lovely lyrics. Love you beautiful.


If I was given all the time to live from the big bang to the big crunch, I would spend the entire time in loving you.


It’s hard to find someone who is willing to stay with you in every up and down of your life. I feel blessed to have you in my life because I know no matter what happens you will never stop loving me!

 Love Message for My Love

Love can never be measured. It can only be felt. You have painted my life with the colors of heaven. I don’t want anything else as long as your love is with me!


Even if the stars fail to shine and the moon refuses to light up the world, I know I have nothing to fear. I have my guardian angel to look after me, care for me and love me forever and always. I love you!


I look forward to each new day with a desire to spend my entire life with you. My love for you is always growing stronger and I’m slowly losing myself deeper into it.


Since you have entered into my life, there have been chapters before you and will never be any chapter after you. It’s only about you and all about you!

 I hope you know that wherever I go or whatever I do, I have you always on my mind. Thank you for happening to me, love.


You are the wish that comes true when we see a falling star. You are my destiny. I love you my girl.


My love, with you in my life, every day feels like a holiday! So I cannot wait to marry you and have an eternal happy vacation!


Life has thrown many lemons at me, but life has also gifted me with your presence. And I am forever grateful for that. You are my everything!

True Love Messages

Whenever I go far away from you, I start to feel a little homesick. Because even when we are apart, my senses keep searching for you. I love you!


Baby, we may not be attached to each other with the red string of fate, but I have no doubt that you are my soulmate forever.


Sweetheart, you know why I don’t like romantic movies? It’s because you and I make the greatest love story ever and no one can even come close!


I don’t need a picture of you in my wallet as I have you in my heart. I love you so much, sweetheart. You make me a better person.


When you came into my life, you brightened up my whole world. Thank you for having it a proper meaning, I love you.


I love you the way cloud loves the sky; I love you the way birds love to fly, I love you the way waves love the sea, I love you the way honey is loved by the bee.


I love how even being with you all day long doesn’t get boring. I guess that’s what love does! So, glad that I have you in my life, sugar.


Want to be with you during both happy and sad times. Because without happiness sorrow is worthless and without sorrow, happiness can’t be enjoyed to the fullest.

Love Messages for Boyfriend

 The more I spend time with you, the more I fall in love with you every day. You have a very gentle and beautiful heart that I promise to take care of all my life. I love you!


You fill my heart with countless joy every time you smile. It’s a privilege for anyone to be able to love you! I feel lucky every moment!


I was lost and hopeless. But I kept praying for a savior to come in my life. God accepted my prayer and sent you. Now I owe you my life for eternity. Loving you madly is the only thing I can do perfectly!


Thanks for being there for me always. I have never known anyone who could love with such intensity. For me, you are the best lover in this world. I can’t help loving you deeply.


My life was empty and my heart grew cold. Then you came into my life, made my heart warm with your love and my life filled with happiness. I love that!


If only you knew how fast my heart beats whenever I see you. Be with me always and forever. Love you handsome.


Also Read: Love Messages For Her From The Heart

I feel beautiful and special whenever I am with you. I cannot let go of you ever. Love you so much.


Your eyes are the best mirror where I can see my soul set on fire by your love. Love me like this always sweetheart!


Your love for me is one of a kind. No one in this world can or will love me like you do. You are the brightest star that lights up my life every day.


I love how you make me fall in love with not only you but also with everything, newly. You are my precious sweetheart. I love you so much.


In case you don’t know, you are my no. 1! Thank you for sticking by through thick and thin. I love you to the moon and back. Boyfriend.


My love for you is immeasurable and it’s growing every day as I slowly become addicted to you. With your love in my heart, I am making the impossible possible.

I Love You So Much Messages

Dear boyfriend, I cannot wait to marry you one day and live my happily ever after. Thank you for making me believe that it isn’t unreal. I love you.


I’m grateful for all the lovely moments and sweet texts. You are my favorite human being. I love you more than yesterday, less than tomorrow.


Thank you for experiencing me this magical kind of love, I cannot think of my future with anyone other than you! I love you so much.


You know, you’ve been living in my heart for way too long. It’s time to start paying rent.


Hello mister. I just wanted to let you know that we’re meant to be. So, don’t you go ditching on me? Ever. Period.


You are my Hercules. I hope the flames of our love lasts for eternity.


I want to hold your hand under the moonlight as you lovingly place a cherry blossom on my hair.


Be the candle that gives light, not the candle that is melted by its own bright. I love you.


Good and bad both are crucial in human life. So, I love you like the way you are mingled with both.

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